Theory: Aryans traveled from East to Mideast instead of Mideast to Ganges

Theory: Aryans traveled from East to Mideast instead of Mideast to east
Interesting theory, that claims that Asura's & Shudras were kicked out of India who traveled to Babylon in ??BCE & taught them religions of mighty gods, air travel, weapons etc.  Since the British made a huge mistake in writing the wrong history on Indian region in the world, The "Aryan journey" thought from Mideast -->messopotamia --> Ganges is reversed!!

Credit- London Swaminathan's work

Those who read the history of Assyria, Babylonia and Sumeria will come across a lot of surprises. Following research shows that the Asuras of the Rig Vedic time migrated to Iraq and Turkey region. After a certain period, Rig Veda stops talking about lineages of certain Rishis or Kings. It shows clearly that they were pushed out of India by the Vedic Hindus to Iran, Iraq, and Turkey.

Iran's link to Vedic civilization is well established and well known, A revolutionary from Krishna's land in Saurashtra region of Gujarat migrated or thrown out to Iran (old Persia) and he was called Zoroaster. (According to Kanchi Paramacharya Swamiji, Saurashtrar became Zoroaster) 

The reason the Parsees came back to Gujarat in the eighth century after the Muslim invasion of Iran is that they knew it was their original home.

Those who through the kings' list of Sumeria and Assyria will wonder how the Sanskrit names changed or misspelled there. If one goes through the original list supplied by Manetho (Manu), and Berossus (VARA RUCHI=BEROSSUS, third century BCE) , one will see Sanskrit names more clearly. Vedic names like Alarka, Aila, Alavaka,Alina are there in the list. Whether it is Egypt or Middle East first king was called Manu, Menes etc.

Rim stands for Ram and Sin stands for Chandra (moon);
in Sumerian language moon, god was called Sin, Suen, and Nannar.
In Puranic Chronology Pargiter and other scholars were struggling hard when they found two people with the same name. So they concocted new theories or they blamed one or the other Purana or Ithihasa for the 'mistake'.

Unfortunately, those people never read Egyptian or Sumerian History. There were 14 kings in Egypt with the name Ramesses (Ramesh or Rama seshan). Now let me give the amazing list of Sumerian kings with Sanskrit equivalents: -


Modern Iraq and Turkey; areas around river Tigris.


Assyrians can be identified from about 2000 BCE onward through their dialect Akkadian. Assyrians were probably named after the location from where they came. The word Ashur stands for God in the middle east dictionary.

This proved two things--

Asuras of Rig Vedic times migrated to or pushed out to Middle East.
The area they occupied was called Assyria. Even in Ancient Indian history, the 56 countries names came from the clans. If Matsyas occupy one area it was called Matsya Desa. If Kambojas occupied one area it was called Kamboja. As and when they spread out to new areas the geographical boundaries of their Desas/countries also changed.

The second thing we know is they came to this area around 2000 BCE. In the older parts of Rig Veda, Gods were called Asura (RV 8-25-4). Varuna, Mithra, and Indra had the epithet ASURA. But when the name gets a bad or different connotation, one set of people never used it. For instance, words like Negroes, Pariah (Tamil) are not used anymore. In those days Pariah was just the name of Drummers who proclaimed Royal orders.

When one migrates to a new area they always remember their original home and name it after it. Ganga is found throughout the world (see my earlier article about Congo and Nile). We see this in Canada, USA and Australia. The people gave the names of their forefather's towns or lands and added New with the name. We must remember this when we see the same names in the Middle East and Egypt.

The spellings change according to the pronunciation of the local people or under the influence of a local dialect. For instance, Tamil Names in Malaysia, Sri Lanka and Mauritius are spelled differently. Same Sanskrit names are used by these people but with different spellings. Mitanni civilization of 1400 BCE in Turkey used beautiful Sanskrit names Dasaratha, Pratardana, Sathya vachan with local spellings.

If one remember these points and read the Middle East list it will be easier for them to see the truth.

Here are some interesting names:


Amarakosa, the Sanskrit thesaurus called Asuras Purva Deva (formerly God). So the ancient scholars knew that the connotation changed slowly. in our own times Panchamas,Pariahs, Dalits, Harijans, out castes, Sudras – all these changed the connotations in course of time.

Dravidian political parties dubbed all Non -Brahmins as Sudra in their political propaganda. Mahatma Gandhi coined a new word Hari Jan for the out castes or the low class people.

The great priest of the Asuras Usanas Sukra belonged to a branch of Bhargava or Atharvan family of Rishis. Puranas mentioned the descendants of all other Brahmin families except the descendants of Sukra Atharvan and his Asura followers. Even Lrod Krishna praised Usanas Kavi in Bhagavad Gita. This means the Asura followers or the Atharvan priests left the country and migrated to Iraq/Assyria and Iran.

The word Asura was pronounced Ahura in Iran.Their priest Zarathustra bore the title SPITAMA or white Which is same with Sukra (white) of rig Veda. All these cannot be mere coincidence.
This is a clear proof for their migration to Iran.

in short the Devas and asuras quarrelled in ancient times and one group migrated to Iraq and Iran. That is why we see Rig Vedic Gods in Bogazkoy (Turkey) inscription of 1400 BCE and Ahura Mazda in Iran/Persia and Ashur kings in Assyria/Iraq.

Kings List of Assyria

Puzur Ashur I 2000 BCE
Naram Sin (Nara simha or Nara Chandra or Nara Sena)
Sena titles are very common in Mahabharata; at least 24 kings with Sena names in Mahabharata.
Ashur Rabi – around 1500 BCE (Rabi- Ravi/Surya/Sun)
Ashur nadin ahhe
Ashur Nirari 1426 BCE (N and M are interchangeable; it may be Murari)
Ashur bel nishesu 1410 BCE
Ashur nadin ahhe II 1402 BCE
Ashur Ubalit I 1365 BCE

Then there are seven kings with ASHUR title  until 1000 BCE.
Some kings names were used up to four times with I, II, III, IV numbers.

We come across at least Four Dasarathas until Asoka's grand son's time in Indian History.

After 1000 BCE we come across at least 20 Asuras in Assyrian king names including the famous Ashur banipal of 668 BCE
Sanskrit name Sargon (Sat Guna or Satrugna) is found in Sumeria, Assyria and other geographical locations. First Sargon ruled Akkad in 2340 BCE.

Ram's Name

Rim Sin (Rama Chandra or Rama Sena) – 1822 BCE (ruled from Larsa)
Rim sin II – 1741 BCE
Sin in Sumerian is Moon God; Sin= Chandra

There is another proof for using only Gods names in Sumeria:
ADAD and MARDUK- gods' names were used by at least 20 kings.

Like today's Hindus use  Chandra as prefix and suffix Sumerians also used Sin either before the name or after the name.

Chandra Sekara
Chandra Murthy
Chandra Hasan
Chandra (female)
Chandramati (Harischandra's wife)
Chandravati etc

Rama Chandra
Purna Chandra
Vipina Chandran
Sin Iddinam 1849 BCE
Sin Eribam 1842 BCE
Sin Iquisham 1840 BCE


Rimush ruled Akkad in 2284 BCE
Naram Sin in 2260  BCE ( other areas also had this name)
Amar sin (Amara Sena or Amara Chandra)- 2046 BCE from Ur
Shu Sin 2037 BCE (ruled from Ur) Susena or Suchandra
Ibbi sin – 2026 BCE

Danava =Daitya = Asura = demon

The word DANAVA is in the Rig Veda a metronymic of the demon Vritra, who is regarded as an evil spirit in the form of a serpent preventing rain fall (RV 2-12- 11). Danava simply meant a demon. Indra killed him.

Stories of killing snake dragon are in Sumerian civilization as well. Probably,being of Hindu origin, they alo used the same symbolic language, where snake dragon stands for natural obstrucles or catastrophes.

Madhu and Lavana, the Yadava kings were also called Danavas (Hari vamsa). Jarasandha, Kamsa were also called Danavas.

Vedic Hindus and Britishers wrote dominated writing Indian history and gave the list of kings only from Mahavira period. We must include all the generations of Ikshvaksu vansh.

When we come across same names twice or more times we must remember Egyptians used the same king's names 14 times Sumerians 4 or 5 times.

We must remember the names get corrupted the more you travel in time and space (best examples Tamil names in Malaysia, Sri Lanka and Mauritius).

We must remember words like Ashur and Deva change connotation in course of time like our Panchama, Pariah, Dalit, Sudra, Hari Jan

We must also remember that in the beginning the areas or countries were called after the clans that lived in that area and when they moved the geography also changed. When we see the same Kambojas in different areas at different periods, the name of the country should not mislead us. Look at Kamboja in India and Kambojas in Cambodia.

We must teach our children a Dasaratha (tushratta) ruled Turkey in 1400 BCE and his letters are in Egypt now. This is in all history books in foreign countries but not in India- see Mitanni civilization, Amarna letters, Bogazkoi inscriptions in Wikipedia etc.

Credit- London Swaminathan's work


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