
Showing posts from October, 2018

Simplest form of Jainism

The simplest form of Jainism to follow is :  a) strive for Samyak darshan, Samyak Gyan, Samyak Charitra in your life  b) Follow anekaantvaad  c) Be vegetarian   to follow ahimsa dharma

Theory: Aryans traveled from East to Mideast instead of Mideast to Ganges

Theory: Aryans traveled from East to Mideast instead of Mideast to east Interesting theory, that claims that Asura's & Shudras were kicked out of India who traveled to Babylon in ??BCE & taught them religions of mighty gods, air travel, weapons etc.  Since the British made a huge mistake in writing the wrong history on Indian region in the world, The "Aryan journey" thought from Mideast -->messopotamia --> Ganges is reversed!! ASURAS-DEMONS OF RIG VEDA IN SUMERIA, BABYLONIA, ASSYRIA: Credit- London Swaminathan's work Those who read the history of Assyria, Babylonia and Sumeria will come across a lot of surprises. Following research shows that the Asuras of the Rig Vedic time migrated to Iraq and Turkey region. After a certain period, Rig Veda stops talking about lineages of certain Rishis or Kings. It shows clearly that they were pushed out of India by the Vedic Hindus to Iran, Iraq, and Turkey. Iran's link to Vedic civilizatio

Similarities in Baylon Sumerian and Jain Cosmology (Nebu & Adinath Tirthankar)

Adinath (Rishab deva) is first tirthankara’s of Jains. He is refered in Riga Vedas (~1500BC) Aryan Hindu Vedas. One could derive hints of Adinath’s father in Sumerian/ Bablyon’s texts that is dated 3150BCE-2686BCE. There are several similarities that could be established in Babylon gods & goddesses to Jain Cosmology as well. Its important to note that Sumerian inscriptions may reflect that he was worshiped in 3150BCE, validating that Adinath (Rishab deva) was born much long ago in ancient times. Sumerian Jainism Notes Nabi/ Nabu/nebo & Marduc - parent  were & worshiped as gods, Nabhi was father of first tirthankar Adinath. Mother name was marudevi. Adinath set the foundation of Ikshvaku vansh in India Nabu crescent moon god, Nabu the warrior Nabu was son of Marduk, was oracle, taught writing, God Nabu/ Nabi arrived to that region, created humans in a lab Nabhi was not hum

Nebuchandnezzar-II of Babylon and Jain Mahavira

Inscriptions  found about Nebuchandnezzar-II (not I above) of Babylon have been documented by the West. The inscriptions of which a translation follows was found at Babylon by Sir Harford Jones Bridges, and now forms part of the  India House Collection . Inscription reads him " as a worshipper of Nebo, Yav and Istar".  Nebo is translated as Nabi/ Nabu as well in same texts. The India Museum in Bombay housed an inscription tablet of Nebuchadnezzar II from the ruins of Babylon (today's southern Iraq), collected by the Bombay presidency in 1797, the Museum displayed it. This tablet is in British Museum now. From incriptions, he wroshipped Nebu & Marduk (Adinath's Parents = Nabhi & Marudevi) & created temples of gods. Around 550BC, Nebuchadnezzar II traveled towards East, as found through several tablets written incriptions found in Afghan. Mahavira's samasaran was one of the most revered events of its time.It could be established that Nebuchanezza

Jainism the ancient religion to Hindus, Buddhas

Jainism is the oldest religion followed in India. In ancient india, Jambudweep - Bharatshetra was established by Adinath's son Bharat towards end of 3rd Kala of Utsarpini cycle. And Ikshwaku vansh (known as Surya vansh in Hindus) the the dynasty that ruled that region since known ancient history period since  Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction .  During Ramayana period (in 10,000 BCE) & Mahabharta (5000BCE) both Rama & Krishna followed Jainism as religions. Then around 5000BCE Mesopotamia/ Babylon started to gain power and unrest (Egypt/Greek/ Iran region) and started to migrate to India for spices trade. With them they brought culture of Gods and Myths to India. The great epics of Ramayana & Mahabharta of Dravidian were "spiced up" to see addition of flying gods from other dimensions. The tales of Magnanimity can be found in Egyptian/ Bablyon epics. From ~3000BCE to more recent times of 500BCE these Aryans migrated down the path of Ganges river a

Jain Mahabharta literature

Regarding original literature and text, there are huge controversies around Hindu Mahabharta on when these were written in original form. Vyas shalokas were claimed to be passed from generation to generation, but nothing was compiled precisely. Its argued and believed that original vyas mahabharta was much exaggerated over centuries. Finally Hindus agreed on 18 books that describe Mahabharta. Adi Parva - the first and the Compilation of these 18 books can not be dated much before ~1000AD. Hindu's claim Vyasa shalokas can be dated to Gupta Empire.  For Jains, Mahabharta was the war between Narayana (Krishna) and Prati-Narayana (Jarasandh) and life of Neminath (22nd tirthankara) and how he showed path to moksha to several  ascetics including Pandavas, balarama and several others.  Jain historical books related to Mahabharta: 1) Jain Agams are oldest scriptures which have been lost in ancient times. King ?? had asked Mahavira about Mahabharta - that was described in Agamas 2) The orig

Krishna as Narayan or yet another powerful political king

In one of a contrarian view, some historians consider Krishna as a "yet another king" who was master of Kutniti (diplomacy) & strategically worked to increase empire of Yadu dynasty in india as opposed to popular "head on war based strategies" adopted by most of the ancient dynasties. Some texts have compared Krishna to Shakuni of Mandar/ Hastinapur who tried to place Kuru dynasty back in power at Hastinapur. The concept of praying Kings as gods is evident (came from before 3000BCE ) in Mesopotamia culture and early proofs of praying Krishna as god came much later in the history. Indian ancient culture before that doesn't have evidence of praying Krishna as god. Krishna was extremely powerful physically. But there were several others who were much more powerful or equal power during that time. Karana, Jarasandha, Balaram, Neminath to name a few. But all these were strategically removed from Krishna;s path during mahabharta war or other means such as tak

Nebuchadnezzar-I of Babylon & Neminath in 10th century BCE

Based on a copper inscription found in Gujrat, its believed that Neminath was worshiped in India in 10th century BCE (before Parshnath period ~900BCE). Bible has mention of   King Nebuchadnezzar I of Babylon who ruled  1125–1104 BC. Its believed that he visited temple of Neminath in Revanagara (Kathiawara) during that period. Nebuchadnezzar can be interpreted with a Tamil name of “Neduncheziyan” or “Nedunchedianuru” or Vedic “Nabu”. Nebuchadnezzar-1(1126-1103 BC) said to have visited India to pay his respect to 22nd Jaina Tirthankara Neminath on the coast of Saurashtra. The region was controlled by Yadav Dynasty at that time and was called by “Andhakavrishnis” as per Mahabharata. Nebuchadnezzar-1 (Vedic Nabu?) was the fourth king of the Second Dynasty of Isin and Fourth Dynasty of Babylon. He ruled for 23 years according to the Babylonian King List C and attacked Elam to recover cultic idol of Marduk (Sun God-Mitra, Mithra) that was stolen by earlier Elam ruler. Its believed th

Tirthankar Neminath during Mahabharta

During the period of Maharashtra, Jains 22nd tirthankar Lord Neminath was born in Ikshvakshu (surya vansha). During this period, 9th Vasudeva - Lord Krishna and 9th Baldeva - Balram were born. Neminath was cousin brother of Lord Krishna.  Krishna was defeated a number of times by Jarasandha - whose body could not be pierced with any weapon. Some folks  call it Krishna's maya of getting defeated again and again. There is a description where Neminath showed Krishna a way for how to treat his soldiers. Krishna killed Jarasandha with Maya/Chhal in the end.  Karana had vowed to do whatever jarasandha asks him to do Once. And jarsandha misspoke when he invited karana to join war with him instead of asking karana to join war on his behalf . Krishna brainwashed karana to join war but help krishna against jarasandha. By doing so karana joined the war as promised to Jarasandha but did not fight with Krishna. Neminath is refered as "Arsith Nemi" in Veda's most f