Jain Agams : Shatkhand-agama
Hi everyone, I found following write up inspiring. Its sad that for very long Jain Agams have been first neglected, then resurrected "partially" in modern society. This article also tells that Namokar Mantra was written by Aacharya Pushpadanta around 1CE when first agam was written on a palm leaf. Agam is collection of what Mahavir (and other tirthankars) spoke during their Samosaran. When I read about Samosaran, I am just blown away by concepts of Omniscience, Kevala Gyana. Jain agams describe Soul in utmost details and all the knowledge humans can ever need. Jains who make excuse that agams are lost, are just making excuses to put efforts into resurrecting whatever is available & not loosing it all. Just handful of books have been translated to English accurately. Lots of work still needs to be done ==================================== Shatkhand-agama Ṣaṭkhaṅḍāgama (Devanagari: षटखंडागम), literally the "Scripture in Six Parts", is the foremost and oldest Di...