
have the inscriptions on Palermo Stone been decoded, aryans

Yes, to some extent, the inscriptions on the Palermo Stone have been decoded. The Palermo Stone is a large stone slab that was discovered in Palermo, Italy, in the 19th century. It dates back to the Old Kingdom of Egypt (c. 2686–2181 BCE) and contains some of the earliest known inscriptions of Egyptian history. The inscriptions on the Palermo Stone are written in hieroglyphics and hieratic script and are considered one of the most important sources of information about the early history of Egypt. Scholars have been studying the inscriptions on the stone for over a century, and while some parts remain difficult to interpret, much of the information contained on the stone has been deciphered. The Palermo Stone contains lists of the kings of Egypt from the earliest times, as well as information about various events, such as the annual Nile flood, religious festivals, and military campaigns. It also contains records of gifts given to the temples, including offerings of food, wine, and prec

Padama Purana - stop Animal and Human sacrifice

In a citation from the Padma Purana, it is recounted that a Digambar Jain Muni approached King Vena and presented Jain practices that wanted put an end to the animal and human sacrifices that were called for in the Vedas and by Brahamanas. The Muni also argued against brahaman's meat-eating practices and engaged in debates against rituals such as svaha and ritualistic bathing. Furthermore, the Muni talked about treating individuals from lower castes, such as shudras and chandalas, with compassion and view all living beings equally. Heretic = Jain Muni; Brahamana's were brutal in those times and wrote wrong in their text books about history.

Kankali teela

Kankali teela excavation discovered oldest monuments of jainism ever found in India These monuments date early 1st century AD.

Chandragupta Diksha

Stone carvings from 100BC or sooner?

5000 years old Proof of Jainism

The excavations made at Mohenjodaro and Harappa show that Jainism existed five thousand years ago because the pose of the standing deities on the Indus seals resembles the pose of the standing image of Rushabha obtained from Mathura. The feeling of abandonment that characterizes the standing figure of the Indus seals, three to five (Plate II, I G.N.) with a bull in the foreground may be the prototype of Rishabha.  (Modern review Agust 1932 - Sindha Five Thousand Years Ago). Rishabha has been spoken of as Yogishwara by the poet Jinasena in his Mahapurana. Therefore, the Indus valley excavated material glaringly establishes the fact that the founder of Jainism belonged to the pre-Vedic period. The nude Jain idol of 320B. C., in Patna Museum, of Lohanipur helps us to support the above contention.


TIRUPATI - BALAJI- IS A JAIN TEMPLE OF DRAVID CIVILIZATION. WORLD'S RICHEST TEMPLE – THIRUMALAI - TIRUPATI - BALAJI- LORD VENKATESHWARA IS A JAIN TEMPLE OF DRAVID CIVILIZATION. Reference:  This is originally a Jain temple converted by Ramanujam/Sankaracharya around 8th century A.D onwards along with 1000s other dravid temples. .Complete idol is covered to hide its original identity. Balaji has been photographed on many occassions without Jewellary and it is found to be a Jain Standing Tirthankara Neminath which many brahmins believe and admit. Archaelogical scientists, honest historians have proved this to be a Jain temple. Millions of people visit Balaji temple but no one know reality about this temple. It is truly a Dravid temple, which is confirmed by Archaelogical department as Jain temple. Many brahmins silently believe and agree that it is originally Jain temple converted by Ramanujam and Sankaracharya as 1000s of other dravid Jain temples converted, rechristened by Av

Alexander invasion path in india

Alexander visited Taxila, but never could cross into India at all


Have Hindus realized that any time they search for what is behind those mosques, what do they find - they find Jain temples - everywhere? Hindus have to shut up because an unbelievable saga of oppression of Jainism by Hindus emerges. Any time they look in history, they find more and more evidence of Jainism than Hinduism in India. Dominated kingdoms in India Ramayana/Mahabharta to ~300CE: All Jain emperors 300-1500: Hindu emperors Shankracharya & Hindu emperors destroyed Jain history.  Who made Hindus very powerful & oppressed other religions. The period of 700AD-1000AD was pure brutality in India, 6000 Jain monks were burnt ALIVE in 1 day for not converting their religion. And over the next 700 years power corrupted kings & fell to the Mughals. Before the Mughals came, Hindu kings were having 10s/20s/30s wives. The recent upsurge of questioning what is the true history of India is raising very fascinating eye-opening findings. The few, that came eye-opening to me regarding

Interesting in the history of Jainism


Footprints of Chandragupta Maurya - Sallekhana

He is regarded as greatest of kings , He who founded the biggest of empire, He who expanded his kingdom India & beyond , He who fulfilled his guru dream of "Akhand Bharat" He who gave everything later & walked on the path of Dhārma. Footprint of "चन्द्रगुप्त मौर्य" .. The Great Chandragupta Maurya Footprint is located in the town shravanbelgola ,Karnataka where the great king took sallekhanā( Jain way of fasting to death) The footprint is on the summit , very few ppl know about it as stairs are not very easy to climb , but when u reach there the whole surrounding is so magical , the flow of energy is very high ..